Saturday, October 27, 2007

Smiling Eyes

Check out my business blog to see what I'm up to now. :)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Pictures of the kids

So, I decided buying school photos is probably the silliest thing I could do. So instead after school on a good hair day we went outside and played in the back yard. These are some of my favourites.... I took over 200... crazy but true!

Bailey in Grade 7 - Rachael in Grade 5

Victor in JK - Warren in Grade 1

Caroline in Grade 4 - and of course Molly

Friday, September 14, 2007

Victor's First Day of School

I know I totally missed posting pictures of the kids first day of school. I took some no worries there, just haven't gotten around to doing anything with them. I figured today was a pretty big day and I really should blog about it. Today is the day I've been waiting for and dreading all at the same time. Victor - my baby - started school today. It's a very strange feeling seeing your youngest child, or any child for that matter, head off on their very own to go to school.... now in this case, Victor was anything but alone. He will always have his older sisters and brother to watch out for him and generally drive him crazy in the process. He had a good day at school. As you can see from the photos he wasn't looking back as he climbed on the school bus. He brought home a picture he painted, sang two new songs for me and told me all about his new friend that he has to invite to his birthday (in May) - Byron. Now for those of you who don't know Byron - he is actually Victor's second cousin - Karl Regier's son. I didn't bother to try and explain that to Victor just yet, but he'll figure it out eventually. Any rate, enough babbling... here are some photos from this morning.

Friday, July 13, 2007

VBS 2007

Well we made it. Another year of VBS has come to a close. We had over 250 children each morning, and we collected over $1500 for our mission project. We had a fun filled week sharing our faith with children of our community. Thanks to all the Mom's & Dad's who sent their kids and also came out to volunteer. It was awesome!
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Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I believe I may be related to the next Jim Carey... his name is Andre Regier. He's my 6 year old nephew and he is one funny guy. I just had to post the story he told me today. I'm so glad I had my digital camera with me to catch it. The prelude to the story is that on Sunday we were all at the beach and Andre lost his new ring that he had just bought at the flee market. He was very upset. We looked for it for quite a while and finally gave up. About an hour later, my other nephew Kenny found it in the water. This is Andre's story of how it all happened.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Caroline's New Look

For quite some time now Caroline has been growing her hair long. She wanted hair just like her cousin Shannen. Well this week Shannen cut off 16" of hair.... yes you read that right, her hair used to go to her waist. Now Caroline hadn't gotten quite that far with her hair growing endeavor, but it was quite long, and hot, and always in her face. I think Shannen inspired her to lighten her hair load, and so lastnight when I was triming the boys hair, she asked if I'd cut hers. For 2 years I've had to badger her just to trim the ends, so I'm sure can imagine I was quite surprised by this request. I actually had to talk her into leaving it shoulder length. She wanted it SHORT. But I'm sure you can see by her smile below, she is quite thrilled with the outcome. Oh and we added one more thing, bangs.... she has never had any in her whole life, so it really made a big difference. Here she is:

Monday, June 18, 2007

Canada's Wonderland

We had an absolutely fabulous time at Canada's Wonderland. We arrived there at about 10:30 in the morning and didn't leave until they shut the park at 8pm. Boy were we tired. The kids had so much fun on all of the rides... even Vic loved the rollercoasters. He was tall enough for the ghoster coaster and probably rode it no less than 20 times. Here are a few snapshots from our adventure. I had to take a couple on the White Water Canyon ride.... we waited 45 minutes for a 3 minute ride, poor Rachael felt totally ripped off, but refreshingly cool afterward.

Caroline was a little chilly after going directly underneath the waterfall.

The Tomb Raider Rollercoaster was Bailey's favourite - and I have to say it was pretty cool.

All in all we had a great time and will definately go back!